Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 2

Today, I am thankful for our DVR (even though my wife has around 20 episodes of 'The Bold and the Beautiful' on it. She has gotten a little behind.).

The DVR is a wonderful piece of technology that allows my wife and I to watch shows together that come on while she is at work in the evenings. Because of our DVR, we are able to set shows to record while we are out of the house or are watching something on another channel. Another one of my favorite things about having a DVR is the fact that I can pause, rewind, or fast forward when watching a recorded episode. Which means, NO MORE COMMERCIALS. Finally, when watching live television, you can pause and rewind. So, should you miss that big play at the end of the fourth quarter, you can rewind. Need to tend to a screaming child? Hit pause.

So, to advancements in technology, three cheers! HIP HIP HOORAY!

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